Chambers: Chamber with Piston


    • Up to two chambers can be added using the button on the left side of the experiment builder. The second, lower, chamber is only available once the first one is placed.
    • There are 3 types of chambers available: a simple chamber, a chamber with a piston, and a one-dimensional chamber.
    • Once a chamber has been added, its settings can be accessed on the right of the experiment builder.
    • Most of the chamber settings can change from stage to stage.




      • Units: m
      • Troubleshooting: If you experience a warning in the Experiment viewer about particle loss, consider increasing the size of your chamber.

The width of the chamber. Unless the “custom depth?” setting is turned on, this is also the depth of the chamber.


      • Units: m
      • Troubleshooting: If you experience a warning in the Experiment viewer about particle loss, consider increasing the size of your chamber.

The height of the chamber.


      • Units: m
      • Troubleshooting: If you experience a warning in the Experiment viewer about particle loss, consider increasing the size of your chamber.

The depth of the chamber (the dimension into the image plane).


Whether or not to use a custom depth. If this is not selected, the depth equals the width of the chamber.


      • Units: m³
      • Troubleshooting: If you experience a warning in the Experiment viewer about particle loss, consider increasing the size of your chamber.

The volume of the chamber. If this is set directly, the height of the chamber is adjusted to match.


Heating on?

Whether or not to allow heating of the particles in the chamber.


      • Units: K
      • Troubleshooting: If you experience a warning in the Experiment viewer about particle loss, consider decreasing the temperature of your particles.

The temperature of the chamber walls, if heating is allowed.

Heater rate

      • Units: 1/s
      • Troubleshooting: If you experience large fluctuations at the start of a stage that involves rapid heating, consider decreasing this value.

The rate at which the particles in the chamber are heated, if heating is turned on. Corresponds to the average number of times, per second, that a particle interacts with the heat bath.



      • Units: kg

The mass of the piston, determining the acceleration based on pressure differences between the chamber and the outside, if the piston is allowed to move.


      • Units: Pa
      • Troubleshooting: If the experiment you set up is meant to start close to equilibrium, it is advisable to set this pressure close to the ideal gas pressure of the particles inside the chamber (ie \(p=nRT/V\)).

The pressure outside of the chamber acting on the piston.

Pressure Transition

      • Troubleshooting: If you experience large fluctuations at the start of a stage involving a sharp pressure transition, consider changing it to a smooth transition.

The transition mode for the external pressure between the previous and current stage (only available for stage 2 onwards). “Sharp transition” means, that the pressure changes immediately. Otherwise it is gradually adjusted, as described in the theory section.

Initial offset

      • Units: m
      • Troubleshooting: If you experience a warning in the Experiment viewer about particle loss, consider increasing the size of your chamber.

The initial offset of the piston from the center wall / connector.

Movement Mode

      • Troubleshooting: If you experience a warning in the Experiment viewer about particle loss, consider increasing the size of your chamber.

This setting determines if the connector is allowed to move during the currently selected stage.

If this is set to “fix at current position”, the connector will be locked in place at the start of the stage.

If it is set to “Fixed position”, the connector can be forced to a specific position at the start of the stage.


      • Units: m³
      • Troubleshooting: If you experience a warning in the Experiment viewer about particle loss, consider increasing the size of your chamber.

The volume of the part of the chamber that is enclosed by the piston. If set directly, the piston is moved accordingly.