

    • By default, one particle type is available, corresponding to Nitrogen gas.
    • More particle types can be added, and modified, in the Particles tab on the right of the experiment builder.
    • Chemical reactions can be defined in the same tab.


Interaction rate

      • Units: 1/s

In ETHermodynamics, particles can exchange heat with each other. This parameter defines, how many particles per second, on average, exchange heat with a different particle.


      • Units: u (equivalent to g / mol)

The atomic mass of the given particle type, in atomic units. The mass of the simulated particles, for purposes such as collisions with the walls, are scaled accordingly to the particles per mole paramter from the Scene settings.


      • Units: probability (between 0 and 1)

The permeability of this particle type. If a connector is present in the system, and has a permeability above 0, this parameter modifies this particle type’s permeability individually.

Reaction rate

      • Units: 1/s

The reaction rate for the chemical reaction.

Reaction energy

      • Units: J/mol
      • Troubleshooting: If you experience a warning in the Experiment viewer about particle loss, and particles heat up a lot after reacting, consider increasing this value.

The reaction energy for the chemical reaction.


The stoichiometry for the chemical reaction. Educts take negative, products positive values. There must be at least one educt and at least one product.