- The experiment builder is one of the two main windows of ETHermodynamics.
- In it, you can set up your experiments. When you run an experiment, the Experiment viewer will open.
- To add new components, use the buttons on the left.
- To modify the properties of components, use the right-hand tab-pane.
- To add new stages, and navigate between stages, use the bottom timeline.
The experiment builder in ETHermodynamics is is where you set up experiments to simulate. It is layed out into 5 regions:
- top: a menu bar.
- left: a toolbar to add new components to the system.
- center: a view of the system.
- right: a tab-pane containing the settings for different system components.
- bottom: a timeline of the stages added to the system, and a toolbar for minor settings.
Adding new components
Properties tab
Save & Run