The Experiment Viewer is one of the two main windows of ETHermodynamics.
Once an experiment is set up in the Experiment Builder, it can be run. The Experiment Viewer will display the experiment system and data calculated from the simulation.
You can change what data is displayed on the left and which graphs are displayed on the right.
The experiment viewer allows you to perform various exports: For example, you can export a picture of either the experiment or graphs, a movie of the experiment, or a table of all data collected in the experiment.
The experiment viewer is where your ETHermodynamics experiments are simulated and information about them is displayed. It has a similar 5-part structure to the experiment builder. Similar to the experiment builder, the experiment viewer is layed out in 5 regions:
top: a menu bar.
left: a table to display properties for the current frame of the experiment, as well as a legend.
center: a view of the current frame of the system.
right: two graphs displaying data for the experiment.
bottom: a timeline of the experiment that indicates the stages, as well as how much of the experiment has been simulated.