

    • A connector can be added using the button on the left side of the experiment builder. It is only available once two chambers have been added to the system.
    • Without a connector, the two chambers are isolated from each other. A connector allows to lift this isolation.
    • Once a connector has been added, its settings can be accessed on the right of the experiment builder.




      • Units: kg

This is the mass of the connector, determining the acceleration based on pressure differences between the two chambers, if the connector is allowed to move.


This setting determines if the connector is allowed to move during the currently selected stage. If this is set to “fix at current position”, the connector will be locked in place at the start of the stage.



This setting determines if the connector allows conduction of heat between the two chambers during the currently selected stage.


      • Units: 1/s

This setting determines the rate of conductivity between the two chambers. The mechanism works similar to heat exchange between particles within a chamber.


Allow permeability?

This setting determines if the connector allows particles to move through during the currently selected stage.


      • Units: probability (between 0 and 1)

This, multiplied by the particle’s individual permeability setting, is the probability that a particle colliding with the connector is tunneled through to the other side.